Today I am embarking on a new mission. A mission to bring healthy and wholeness into our home and driving the junk and toxins out like St. Michael drove Satan out of Heaven.
DH and I are starting Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Six Week Eating Plan as outlined in his book, Eat To Live and we are also committed to getting junk foods, toxins, preservatives, et al out of our home and lives.
Although I will be following a vegan diet, 6/8 of our children still currently eat animal products and I feel that I can't post recipes and findings that aren't vegan on this blog.
So...for at least the time being, I am focusing on my new blog, Real Food (please), which can be found at This blog will cover topics such as healthy cooking with whole, natural ingredients, cleaning and maintaining a healthy, toxic-free home, natural pet care and more. It should be a fun ride.