My husband and I are on a quest to regain our God-given health. The health that we, like most people, take for granted every day. The health that we have made choices to sabotage by eating the unhealthy, addictive American diet. With that said, we have tried all sorts of the "diet du jour" out there...vegan...Paleo... And everything in between. What I really want is a diet where I can eat whatever I want and still be healthy. Kinda like wanting to be able to go to church without feeling guilty for any of my free will-driven actions. Well, that hasn't really worked for me, so I'm headed back "home" to a vegan lifestyle, but this time with a twist.
Strange as this may be, I had to watch lots of animal cruelty-centered documentaries in order to truly turn my tastebuds away from meat and especially, dairy. I still stuggle with giving up cream and butter. I ate a vegan diet for a few years way back when I first started this blog and my facebook page with the same name. It really was not that difficult, especially because I was fulfilling my need to replace animal products with all the delicious vegan junkfood out there. Meat substitutes, dairy-free cheeses and margarines and the like. I wasn't really eating healthy per se, just animal free. Now mind you, going vegan for the sake of the animals and the environment is a noble quest. As a Christian, I truly believe that when God gave man dominion over the animals and the earth, He most likely didn't mean the scenario that we have in today's modern world. Factory farming is wrong on SO MANY levels...wrong for the animals, wrong for the workers trying to make an honest living and wrong for the environment. I'm all for capitalism, but corporate greed has taken our food too far. God made animals for man and gave Noah the okay to eat most of his animals after the Flood. Noah and his family, however, didn't have to seek out organic, free range, GMO-free or cruelty-free products. Today's choices are much more complicated.
I see now that there is a difference between vegan and whole food and plant-based. Veganism gave me peace of mind, but not necessarily health. I need health! I want to be free from my daily aches and pains, free from the slow death of Type 2 diabetes and hopefully, free from the dementia that is currently stealing my mother from our family. Before when I went vegan, I felt deprived. Today, I am excited about what lies ahead. I suppose that's what happens when you finally feel bad enough physically to make a change for good.